Do you want to make a special dress for someone you love but you fear making clothes, have no idea how to sew a pocket, and break out into cold sweats when you even think about how to make a sleeve???
Then run don't walk to your nearest JoAnn's for the pre-made dress material that they sell. A newbies dream I tell ya! Perfect for summer (which is almost over, boo-hoo) the material comes pre-hemmed at the top and bottom with rouching detail at the top. All you do is buy enough yardage to wrap around whomever you are making the dress for and sew a seam up the back. Then, take the leftover material to make the ties for the top. 15 minutes tops. Done. Looking like a rockstar!
I've made quite a few of these adorable and comfy dresses this year for my girls (7 and 4 1/2) and only needed 3/4 of a yard for each of them.
This is the dress that I made this year for 4th of July for my 4 1/2 year old Jennifer. Total cost with a coupon: about $4.00. Now THAT'S a deal!

And here are the Dora and Tinkerbell dresses that she picked out for herself. I ended up making these too tight so I suggest pre-washing the fabric and leaving a little bit of room at the top. Rookie mistake #74. They went to a good home with a friend of mine who has a little girl who will be 3 next summer, and I'm sure they will be well loved. Total cost for these: about $6.00 each. WOO-HOO!!!

P.S. Don't forget to check back and add funsize creations to your favorites, RSS feed, Google reader, or blog lists.....I may be doing some fun giveaways in the near future. Just sayin'.